Saturday, June 24, 2006

Our first autorickshaw ride!

We have had quite the week so we have been looking forward to having a quiet weekend jsut the three of us. Sautrday morning started out well with tea, coffee and bottles in bed. We are getting used to sleeping in one big bed, though I do wake up to see Chris and I lying right on the edges with Daisy sprawled out in between. I am getting used to the arm being flung across my face and I soon settle back to sleep. Still, again we say that we can't wait for her cot to arrive. i managed to do some washing out of a bucket and have various bits of clothing strung up around the apartment. Our clothes get so dusty and dirty here. Our new apartment has a washing machine and I can't wait to get hold of it. We have been living out of suitcases and there is a blurred line between clean and dirty clothes. I seem to have Daisy's breakfast sorted out, being cerealac (baby porridge) with stewed apples followed by promite on toast. Our breakfast is filter coffee for Chris from an indian coffee filter that he thinks is very cool, a glass of cold mango juice (tropicana) and either cereal with longlife milk or if you can't face the milk we have toast. They don't have decaf coffee here at all so I am drinking earl grey tea form breakfast. Doesn't have quite the same effect as coffee, even decaf, in the mornings. We don't have lunch yet as they don't have sandwiches or salads or anything like that. It is curry, curry, curry all the way. When we get our kitchen then I will work something out. For lunch Daisy is having a jar of food or baked beans. I have bought avocadoes but they aren't ripe yet and she can have that with stewed apples. Before I cut the avocaodes or bananas or oranges, I wash them in milton sterilising solution for a little while. All my vegetables get the bleach treatment. Where we are staying at the moment there is an electric water filter. I don't really trust it but I use it instead of tap water to cook with or boil or for the sterilising solution. I have Daisy's microwave steriliser with us that is a god send and her bottles get sterilised. I was paranoid when I first arrived but seem to have settled a bit now after speaking to other mums. i wash her dishes in filtered water and detergent, let them dry and then just before I use them pour boiling water over them. I am relaxing a bit now with our dishes and utensils. We wash them in detergent and tap water adn then let them air dry. When we get to our new place and i have my own kitchen I will be able to work out some routine for our dishes that makes mebelieve that they are clean. Speaking to other mums of babies has helped tremendously. We are all blundering along but every little bit helps. Anyway..... back to our day. It took us over half an hour to order a taxi. Eventually we rang a workmate of Chris's to find that you have to put a prefix before the telephone number. We are on a steep learning curve here. We waited an hour to find that the taxi company really didn't have a clue so our only options were to stay put in the apartment or try out the auto rickshaws. We decided on the latter and made a plan to find the oldest driver because we hoped that he had lasted the longest. We found a lovely driver and soon found ourselves zipping in and out and through the traffic. Daisy loved the wind in her hair and seemed to tolerate the dust and fumes up her nose! We even managed to get to where we wanted to go. We wandered through a park, amongst the biggest clumps of bamboo I have ever seen. They were magnificent and in the wind the branches knocked against each other and made an eerie yet calming noise. We wandered around the high court buildings and the houses of parliment until hunger had gotten the best of us. It was after three and Daisy needed sustanence. We were quite a walk from anywhere so again into a rickshaw. This guy wasn't anywhere near as good as our previous driver. We made sure that he put his meter on when we set off but he still tried to do us over at our destination. We jsut got out and paid just above the meter and refused to be hassled. Well that's the impression we gave, inside it spooked us a bit. We found a pizza hut and lunch all round. Daisy ate her fruit puree followed by mega pizza crust which she found to her liking. We then wandered the shopping district. Daisy gets carried most of the time as there really isn't a footpath to speak of. We found a bazaar full of handicraft and much to Chris's delight, nothing really caught my eye. I told him not to worry that I am sure that I will manage to spend all his money on 'stuff' before we leave. There was some beautiful silk pashminas that I will buy eventually. We then piled into another rickshaw and headed off into the sunset. It is lovely to return to the same place for a change and not have to move about. Daisy is already in bed and we are not too far behind. Let's see what tomorrow may bring! Posted by Picasa

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