Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Puja my Ride!

The Ayudha Puja is a form of worship that's practiced on the first day of Dasara, a festival that has huge importance in Southern India, and in the town of Mysore in particular.
For the Ayudha Puja, many people worship their cars, bikes and other 'tools' by performing a puja ritual. Whilst the ritual's all very interesting, the best bit is that you car gets decorated with flowers, garlands and banana leaves!

Raj Puja'd our car on Sunday and brought it around specially to show us. It was one of the best we saw all weekend and he was rightly proud of his creation.
The flowers lasted for a couple of days, after which Raj cleaned the car inside and out, leaving only the purple garland and small, decorative lime/chilli pendant.

Daisy was also quite impressed by what she saw! You can see other people's photos on Flikr here, here and here.

...and with our car rightly puja'd we were ready to head off to the epicentre of the Dasara festival: the city of Mysore, which regular readers will know is a 3 hour drive from Bangalore. Leanne will tell all in our next blog entry! Posted by Picasa

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