Saturday, September 16, 2006

It's Competition Time!

To say a big Thank You to all our readers, we're holding a competition. The prize is this wonderful elephant-themed hanging ornament. Featuring a style unique to India, this will take pride of place in any home... perhaps it could be yours?

Complete with the original "Handicrafts Museum" bag, this highly desirable item features a brass bell with heart-shaped clanger and an assortment of blue, red, white and gold beads along the string. The golden elephant is oranmented with a silver toe-ring whilst the colours of India are represented by the orange and green pom-poms.

So what do you have to do to win this slice of the subcontinent? Simply post a joke to this blog entry. There's only a few rules. The jokes must be suitable for a wide audience (so that rules out most of yours, Tiel), there's a limit of two jokes per person and the winner will be decided on Saturday October 7th by a panel of two: Leanne and me.
That's only three weeks away, so put your thinking caps on and good luck! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Colin and/or Michele said...

Oh no! Tony posted the one I was going to post! That just leaves me with the following for now (supplied by my graduate stduents, which probably says waaay too much about the quality of my classes than is good for me...):

Q: How did the butcher introduce his girlfriend?
A: Meet Patti....

Q: what do you get when you cross a monkey with a pavlova?
A: A meringue-atang!