Sunday, July 02, 2006

My Cot!!

Our things have arrived and all is well. It was fairly straight forward getting through customs and import duty. A man came to our other apartment and filled out the forms. Then the next morning we went to the airport where Chris met him and he had to go through every single box. It think there were 24 in total. We were charged for bringing in a desk top computer. It is strange as we bought in two laptops as carry on and this doesn't seem to incur import duties. The company was happy to store our things until we had a home which was about four days. Then they delievered it very promptly and I have nearly unpacked it all. Of course there are some things that we have thought, goodness why on earth did we bring this but it is lovley to be surrounded by familiar things. Daisy of course is over the moon in having her cot again. We all slept so much better having our own beds again. Now she can lie in any direction to her hearts content! She is in bed at 7.30pm most nights and sleeps through surrounded by super ted and her old sleeping bag. It is lovely to take a moment out of the chaotic day to have a cup of tea in one of our old starbucks mugs and have a little space that is calm and familiar! Posted by Picasa

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